EAII's Events Calendar is the place to find the best in multicultural arts & entertainment. Browse menus to the right for listings, tickets and descriptions...

UNESCO-CID General Assembly
The General Assembly of CID is the highest level event. It is held every two years.
Primarily for professionals, the General Assembly is an administrative event for members in good standing with the International Dance Council.
The Assembly is organized by the Executive Secretariat
of CID under the auspices of the
National UNESCO Commission
Ia 'Oe E Ka La
Hula Competition & Festival
Join us for the Annual Ia 'Oe E Ka La
Hula Competition and Festival at Alameda County Fairgrounds in Pleasanton CA.
Ia 'Oe E Ka Lā Hula Competition and Festival is the oldest hula competition held outside of the State of Hawai'i.
It attracts over 8,000 visitors annually and celebrates Hawaiian culture and traditions through solo and group hula competition, arts and crafts, and food.

5,000 Years of Civilization Reborn
Shen Yun is a brilliant artistic revival and celebration of China’s rich cultural heritage. Each performance consists of about 20 pieces, quickly moving from one legend, region, or dynasty to the next. Themes range from the delicate elegance of Tang court ladies to the battlefield heroics of valiant generals, from the timeless philosophical works of Lao-Tzu to spectacular scenes of magical realms. These tales of courage are often what audience members find the most touching and uplifting.